
Det er vigtigt, man er tryg, når man skal have nye rammer i sit liv. Med en rådgiver, der udelukkende varetager dine interesser, kan du bruge din tid på dine nærmeste.


Få et større rådighedsbeløb til det, der er vigtigst. Med den rigtige sammensætning af lån og økonomi, kan du spare op mod 75.000 kr. på dit fremtidige lån.


Få overblik og ro over dit boligkøb og lad os stå for hele processen. På den måde kan du slappe af og nyde det du elsker mest - det kalder vi andelsbolig med omtanke.

Skab ro og tryghed

Hos har vi samlet alt du skal bruge af rådgivning som andelshaver. Vi giver dig tryghed ved, at du har en rådgiver, der udelukkende varetager dine interesser og sørger for, du ikke betaler for meget. Typisk ligger besparelsen ved brug af en dygtig rådgiver på op mod 75.000 kr. om året.

ét sted til andelshavere

Som noget unikt kan du hos os få rådgivning om alle aspekter vedrørende andelsbolig ét sted. Vi er købermægler, boligadvokat og finansiel rådgiver i ét. Du kan derfor som andelsboligkøber eller andelsbolighaver få rådgivning om alt vedrørende andelsbolig ved kun at henvende dig ét sted.

Kontant besparelse

Vores rådgivning sikrer dig overblik og tryghed, som også resulterer i kontante besparelser på dit køb af andelsbolig og på lån eller omlægning af lån til andelsbolig.

Vi arbejder kun for dine interesser

Vi er uafhængige og arbejder udelukkende for vores kunders interesser. Vi har ingen andre incitamenter i kunders valg, andet end at de og deres interesser skal stå stærkest.


Cras Sagittis

Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aliquam lobortis. Phasellus volutpat, metus eget egestas mollis, lacus lacus blandit dui, id egestas quam mauris ut lacus...

Greenhouse Constrution

Nunc sed turpis. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Donec sodales sagittis magna...

3D Modeling Living

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In ac felis quis tortor malesuada pretium. Nullam sagittis...

Modern Kitchen

Aenean massa. Cras id dui. Etiam sollicitudin, ipsum eu pulvinar rutrum, tellus ipsum laoreet sapien, quis venenatis ante odio sit amet eros...

Vores mål er, at andelshavere og andelsboligkøbere bliver væsentligt bedre stillet prismæssigt
og opnår større tryghed i købsprocessen ved at bruge os.

Latest from news

Construction Management

Our service specializes in Post Renovation Cleaning Services, Construction cleaning services, and Neglected property cleaning so we understand the importance of removing the dust and debris after a renovation/construction is completed, our company, is fully prepared to work within your time constraints; our attention to detail and the ability to work beyond your expectations, makes us the first and only choice, call us right now.

  • Aging in Place Remodel

  • Remodeling

  • Electrical Services

  • Drywall Repair/Install

  • Interior Maintenance

  • Plumbing


Construction Management

Our service specializes in Post Renovation Cleaning Services, Construction cleaning services, and Neglected property cleaning so we understand the importance of removing the dust and debris after a renovation/construction is completed, our company, is fully prepared to work within your time constraints; our attention to detail and the ability to work beyond your expectations, makes us the first and only choice, call us right now.

  • Aging in Place Remodel

  • Remodeling

  • Electrical Services

  • Drywall Repair/Install

  • Interior Maintenance

  • Plumbing


Construction Management

Our service specializes in Post Renovation Cleaning Services, Construction cleaning services, and Neglected property cleaning so we understand the importance of removing the dust and debris after a renovation/construction is completed, our company, is fully prepared to work within your time constraints; our attention to detail and the ability to work beyond your expectations, makes us the first and only choice, call us right now.

  • Aging in Place Remodel

  • Remodeling

  • Electrical Services

  • Drywall Repair/Install

  • Interior Maintenance

  • Plumbing


Construction Management

Our service specializes in Post Renovation Cleaning Services, Construction cleaning services, and Neglected property cleaning so we understand the importance of removing the dust and debris after a renovation/construction is completed, our company, is fully prepared to work within your time constraints; our attention to detail and the ability to work beyond your expectations, makes us the first and only choice, call us right now.

  • Aging in Place Remodel

  • Remodeling

  • Electrical Services

  • Drywall Repair/Install

  • Interior Maintenance

  • Plumbing


Construction Management

Our service specializes in Post Renovation Cleaning Services, Construction cleaning services, and Neglected property cleaning so we understand the importance of removing the dust and debris after a renovation/construction is completed, our company, is fully prepared to work within your time constraints; our attention to detail and the ability to work beyond your expectations, makes us the first and only choice, call us right now.

  • Aging in Place Remodel

  • Remodeling

  • Electrical Services

  • Drywall Repair/Install

  • Interior Maintenance

  • Plumbing


Construction Management

Our service specializes in Post Renovation Cleaning Services, Construction cleaning services, and Neglected property cleaning so we understand the importance of removing the dust and debris after a renovation/construction is completed, our company, is fully prepared to work within your time constraints; our attention to detail and the ability to work beyond your expectations, makes us the first and only choice, call us right now.

  • Aging in Place Remodel

  • Remodeling

  • Electrical Services

  • Drywall Repair/Install

  • Interior Maintenance

  • Plumbing


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